
Cold Storage for Fresh Fruits

We are engaged in offering excellent Cold Storage For Fresh Fruits. We assure to provide the products by maintaining high quality standards and have high nutritional values. To keep the maximum preservation of the freshness, fruits are carefully stored at controlled temperature in our cold storage unit.


Mango is a low-calorie fruit that is high in fibre, and is a great source of vitamins A and C. It also contains folate, B6, iron and a little calcium, zinc and vitamin E. Mangoes are a good source of antioxidants, containing certain phytochemicals such as Gallo tannins and mangiferin.

Health benefits:

  • Asthma prevention.
  • Reduces risk of cancer.
  • Wards off heart diseases.
  • Good for bone health.
  • Improves skin and hair.
  • Improves digestion.


Storage Conditions

 Temperature  12°C
 Relative Humidity  90%
 Storage Life  21 Days


Grapes are a great source of phytonutrients, mainly phenols, and polyphenols, and contain other important vitamins such as vitamins K, A,C and B6. They are also rich in thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and folate, and contain minerals like potassium, calcium, Magnesium, phosphorus, and sodium.

Health benefits:

  • Prevent Heart Diseases,Asthma and reduces Cataract.
  • Relieve Constipation.
  • Diabetes Management.
  • Strengthen Bones.
  • Boosts Immunity.
  • Prevents Kidney Disorders.
  • Balance Cholesterol Levels.
  • Antibacterial Activity.
  • Prevent Macular Degeneration.


Storage Conditions

 Temperature  0°C
 Relative Humidity  90 to 95%
 Storage Life  90 Days


Pomegranates are a source of fibre, B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium. They are also very high in antioxidants.

Health benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Cancer prevention.
  • Alzheimer's disease protection.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Protects the heart.
  • Regulates blood pressure.
  • Boosts immunity.


Storage Conditions

 Temperature  5 to 7°C
 Relative Humidity  90 to 95%
 Storage Life  60 to 90 Days


The 'Kinnow' is a high yield mandarin hybrid cultivated extensively in the Punjab region of India. It is a hybrid of two citrus cultivars : 'King' (Citrus nobilis) and 'Willow Leaf' (Citrus deliciosa). Kinnow contains about 48-52% juice which is more than other fruits of the citrus family. Kinnow is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, limonin, Calcium and pectin. The intake of Kinnow provides calcium which strengthens the human bones.It contains 0.2 to 0.3% pectin which is anti-cancerous and also helps in lowering cholesterol.Apart from these, saturated fat cholesterol and sodium are found in very less amount which is more beneficial for human health. Kinnow contains anti-oxidant and anti HIV elements abundantly.Peel of Kinnow fruit contains oil which is used in cosmetics. Application of dried and powdered peel on face makes the skin glow. Kinnow fruit is rich in roughage which prevents constipations.

Health benefits:

  • Body energizer.
  • Good for stomach health.
  • Strengthens bones.
  • Relieves acidity.
  • Eliminates toxic elements from the body.
  • Helps relieve constipation.


Storage Conditions

 Temperature  4°C
 Relative Humidity  90 - 95%
 Storage Life  60 Days
